Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday, June 11

hey everybody! Sorry it's been about a week since I have written! Hope you all are doing amazingly well! Let's see so much to tell… last week was the first week of camp and that went so GREAT! The kids were mainly missionary kids or went to Rosslyn (the Christian school here). So when teaching them it was a nice start because they knew most of the stories and we were able to go deeper with them. The week finsihed out with Friday night summmit Fires. This is where the kids are put on a speaking ban at around 7:30 and we follow this path back into the woods were we sit in a half circle on these dirt stadium rows and first 2 counselors have a battle with torches. It was SO cool! They practice before hand.. so dont' worry about injuries but it's basically a representation of good v. evil. Then There is this huge fire that is in the front of this little stadium and we play games where moutnain groups play against each other., The whole time you are only allowed to say "how" for something good and "wow" for something bad. it's so great! And on friday all of us new counselors received camp names. Mine is "Shortcake" (like STrawberry shortcake)! Then we walk back to the dining hall in silence and eat a ton of candy and popcorn. I had to carry one of the torches back... oh face definitely reflected fear hahah. Then that night anyone who is 14 or older and in the 8th grade can do something called "Lion's pride". This is where they have to go out into the woods. They get 1 match every 20 minutes in an attmpt to build and light their own fire. They only get 3 matches. If they can't get it lit then they are out. Then they have to keep the fire going thorughout the entire night until 5 that morning. Then they have to go on a 2 mile run through the woods on some rough terrain. And then finish off by writing a 500+ word essay about their experience and produce scriptuire they memorized that night. The whole thing is based off the verse "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, sould, mind, strength". None of the people who tried succeeded. But they had an awesome experience and can try again next, year. Then Saturday we had a closing ceremony where the parents came and we did our mountain group cheers in front of them. By noon they were all gone.

Saturday we rested and recouped. That night we went into the town to eat dinner. We walk down this dimly lit ally and enter into this room with 3 concrete walls and the 4th one totally open. A tin roof. And some tables with benches. There were 3 lanterns to light the entire room. These local artisits and musicians all gathered here to just show their talent. It is a non-profit restaurant that they started. They served us true Kenyan food... which was a mix of beans, rice, salsa, meat, greens, and chipote (tortilla)... it was definitely the best food I have had since I have been here. AMAZING! haha we listened to these different guys rap and do slam poetry and sing and play. It was just so neat being in the middle of Kenya.

Sunday we had new campers arrive and they are mostly form ISK (International School of Kenya). They are a huge melting pot of different religions and backgrounds. Katie and I are working with Suswa. Which is the 7-9 year olds. We have CAroline, Atlin, Shannon who are all little white girls. And then Ji Min who is Korean and just started speaking english in October. So far we have taught her what "weight, gold rocks, sinking, excited, and shoot" and she loves Hello Kitty~!!! haha Then there is Chigo who is this little AFrican girl.. so cute. She just turned 7 the first day of camp. And then Isabel. Sweet sweet girls. It's definitely different working with such little kids and especially when they aren't all reaised in a Christian home. Or have any background or knowledge. but it is so fun!

This week has gone really really well so far. We had campout last night and then this morning I taught Jr. camp about the crucifiction and ressurection. I think they understood. I am hoping it sparks a lot of discussion in groups tonight,. I looked at the schedule for this week and saw that I was teaching outdoor living,,,,this is the part where you laugh. Because this involves teaching kids how to make a fire. Luckily I only had one girl sign up and there were 12 boys so Kyle and I are teaching that "together" hah. It's pretty hilarious. We have had a lot of good time together this week. Which has been awesome. I really feel that the Lord is making our relationship so strong through all of these experiences. IT's the bomb-diggity.

Let's see... I'm thinking that's all for now...

Prayers: 1. for the staff to get rejuvinated on Saturday ...real rest this week
2. Unity among the staff... no issues or anything but just that we would be able to hold each other accoutnable when needed and have open hearts about what is going on.
3. The campers this week come from so many different backgrounds.. so just that they would get something about Jesus stuck in their heads and that that would spark curiosity.

Praise: 1. Last week went so well!!!
2. We are working on new hearts and we sent out a bunch of hearts that heard new things last week.
3. The team as a whole seems to be gettting healthier...

Thank you so much for your continued prayers... you have no idea how swimmingly they are working. Praise God!

the next 3 weeks I think we are in Wsstern so I am not sure about internet access but I do know we will need prayers for safety and just rest.

love love love



  1. Jenfriend!

    just want you to know I am still thinking about you! What you are doing sounds so awesome, just keep glorifying Him - I know you will. Your team is in my prayers.
    love you <3

  2. Hi Jen! I pray for a safe return to your home base there, and that Jesus continues to work in your heart; refining the gold already there. I'm proud of your courageousness and inspired by your willingness to serve Jesus. We are thinking of you!
