Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29

Hey everybody! Last week I was in western. I stayed with a family there - a pastor and his wife and their 6 kids. It was great. We basically ate the same thing at every meal (chicken and chipote). During the first 3 days we went to 2 schools and a market to plant trees, then on the 4th day we went rock climbing and then went to play soccer against a school here in Kenya. It was crazy. Yesterday we went to church that lasted 3.5 hours and man the Holy Spirit was alive in that mud hut. This morning we traveled 3 hours across the border into Uganda. Currently I am sitting on the top of this hill directly above THE NILE! Tomorrow we raft. Prayers should def be thrown up because I am pretty nervous! I'm not a great swimmer and I can't hold my breath very long so pray that the Holy Spirit would just give me breath upon breath. Everything is going great! I have been blessed to not have been sick at all. Kyle has a little cold or something but nothing bad from the food. I think we are going to go swim in the Nile tonight. God was doing some awesome work this past week. Pray that the trees we planted and the words we planted will grow strong in the people of Kenya. Praise that we have all made it into week 6! Craziness!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday, June 11

hey everybody! Sorry it's been about a week since I have written! Hope you all are doing amazingly well! Let's see so much to tell… last week was the first week of camp and that went so GREAT! The kids were mainly missionary kids or went to Rosslyn (the Christian school here). So when teaching them it was a nice start because they knew most of the stories and we were able to go deeper with them. The week finsihed out with Friday night summmit Fires. This is where the kids are put on a speaking ban at around 7:30 and we follow this path back into the woods were we sit in a half circle on these dirt stadium rows and first 2 counselors have a battle with torches. It was SO cool! They practice before hand.. so dont' worry about injuries but it's basically a representation of good v. evil. Then There is this huge fire that is in the front of this little stadium and we play games where moutnain groups play against each other., The whole time you are only allowed to say "how" for something good and "wow" for something bad. it's so great! And on friday all of us new counselors received camp names. Mine is "Shortcake" (like STrawberry shortcake)! Then we walk back to the dining hall in silence and eat a ton of candy and popcorn. I had to carry one of the torches back... oh face definitely reflected fear hahah. Then that night anyone who is 14 or older and in the 8th grade can do something called "Lion's pride". This is where they have to go out into the woods. They get 1 match every 20 minutes in an attmpt to build and light their own fire. They only get 3 matches. If they can't get it lit then they are out. Then they have to keep the fire going thorughout the entire night until 5 that morning. Then they have to go on a 2 mile run through the woods on some rough terrain. And then finish off by writing a 500+ word essay about their experience and produce scriptuire they memorized that night. The whole thing is based off the verse "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, sould, mind, strength". None of the people who tried succeeded. But they had an awesome experience and can try again next, year. Then Saturday we had a closing ceremony where the parents came and we did our mountain group cheers in front of them. By noon they were all gone.

Saturday we rested and recouped. That night we went into the town to eat dinner. We walk down this dimly lit ally and enter into this room with 3 concrete walls and the 4th one totally open. A tin roof. And some tables with benches. There were 3 lanterns to light the entire room. These local artisits and musicians all gathered here to just show their talent. It is a non-profit restaurant that they started. They served us true Kenyan food... which was a mix of beans, rice, salsa, meat, greens, and chipote (tortilla)... it was definitely the best food I have had since I have been here. AMAZING! haha we listened to these different guys rap and do slam poetry and sing and play. It was just so neat being in the middle of Kenya.

Sunday we had new campers arrive and they are mostly form ISK (International School of Kenya). They are a huge melting pot of different religions and backgrounds. Katie and I are working with Suswa. Which is the 7-9 year olds. We have CAroline, Atlin, Shannon who are all little white girls. And then Ji Min who is Korean and just started speaking english in October. So far we have taught her what "weight, gold rocks, sinking, excited, and shoot" and she loves Hello Kitty~!!! haha Then there is Chigo who is this little AFrican girl.. so cute. She just turned 7 the first day of camp. And then Isabel. Sweet sweet girls. It's definitely different working with such little kids and especially when they aren't all reaised in a Christian home. Or have any background or knowledge. but it is so fun!

This week has gone really really well so far. We had campout last night and then this morning I taught Jr. camp about the crucifiction and ressurection. I think they understood. I am hoping it sparks a lot of discussion in groups tonight,. I looked at the schedule for this week and saw that I was teaching outdoor living,,,,this is the part where you laugh. Because this involves teaching kids how to make a fire. Luckily I only had one girl sign up and there were 12 boys so Kyle and I are teaching that "together" hah. It's pretty hilarious. We have had a lot of good time together this week. Which has been awesome. I really feel that the Lord is making our relationship so strong through all of these experiences. IT's the bomb-diggity.

Let's see... I'm thinking that's all for now...

Prayers: 1. for the staff to get rejuvinated on Saturday ...real rest this week
2. Unity among the staff... no issues or anything but just that we would be able to hold each other accoutnable when needed and have open hearts about what is going on.
3. The campers this week come from so many different backgrounds.. so just that they would get something about Jesus stuck in their heads and that that would spark curiosity.

Praise: 1. Last week went so well!!!
2. We are working on new hearts and we sent out a bunch of hearts that heard new things last week.
3. The team as a whole seems to be gettting healthier...

Thank you so much for your continued prayers... you have no idea how swimmingly they are working. Praise God!

the next 3 weeks I think we are in Wsstern so I am not sure about internet access but I do know we will need prayers for safety and just rest.

love love love


Friday, June 5, 2009


Last night we had an event called "camps got talent" ... each mountain group had to figure out a routine and perform in front of everyone. Well about half way through the whole thing one of the kids (i think an 11 year old) had a seizure. It was the first one he had ever had. The kids were really good about getting out of the way. But it was extremely scary. He was unconscious for a bit and then came to. Later last night he was up and talking and feeling better but we were informed that his uncle had a disorder where he had seizures often and they may think it's genetic. Later that night the counselors were also informed that the head chef had a seizure at the same time that the kid (T.J.) did. I really just need your prayers now. Focused on attack from the enemy. Because that's what happened last night. It's scary but that means that we are doing something here in the hearts of these kids and Satan is ticked. So pray for protection. It was so cool though. Last night, Kali was praying for God to just send angels around the perimeter of this camp and to protect us and guard us through the night. And then she was reading in her room in Psalm about angels coming like the wind and all of a sudden the wind went crazy and her door slammed shut. The last 2 nights have been extremely windy. I definitely feel that God has sent His angels to protect! Praise Him! Even in group last night one of my girls asked if we thought that people today could see angels. Random? Perhaps not. Some other campers have been ill and just not feeling good, ear aches head aches, etc. as have some counselors..
Pray: pray against the enemy. We are definitely in the middle of a battlefield here and our kids need all the protection they can get. For their hearts and their health. That we would touch the hearts of so many children that the angels would be delighting and the joy of God reigning down.
Praise: we ARE doing something here. The powers of a holy and awesome God are at work...

love love love

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday, June 2

Hey everybody!
So yesterday morning the devotional for Jr camp (ages 7-11) was the Creation Story. And last night we had cabin group discussions about what we heard in the morning. And our girls were asking so many tough questions. Like: If there was no sin in heaven then how did Satan know to sin? And why did he fall. and Why did Adam and Eve sin if God made those two perfect? Plus many more. These were all questions from Divita (our little Hindu girl). So prayers are definitely needed for Abbie and my ability to provide answers where we can.
This morning I taught Jr camp devotional about Abraham and about interesting... explaining Hagar and Ishmael to 7 year olds. Oh goodness... But it went really well and I think they enjoyed it.
Yesterday was a full day of games and activities. We played Sabatoge which is a game with candy bombs and blowing up trashcans with those bombs... totally awesome!
We also did New Fangled REvelry where all the counselors did skits that were funny for the kids. Then at the end I did a serious skit with mud and put mud on my arms as I talked about how I was old and dirty and my life was just crummy. and that I tried all the things that the world offers and nothing worked. But then Jesus came and washed my sins clean (washed off the mud) and made me NEW! And then Isabel got up and shared her testimony about how that fit into her life. Really a great night!
I had the weirdest dream...that I drove home from Georgia to CApe (only like 30 minutes) and went to get more clothes and shoes... And saw my mom and aunt susie. and we were all talking and then I realized I had to leave to get back to Georgia in time... maybe it has something to do with the fact that we have been here for a week and a half and have not gotten laundry done yet. haha. woot woot!

Anyway, pray for today that everyone is safe and that hearts are softening to the word of God.
Pray also for motivation from the counselors. that we don't get too worn down this first week.

Praise God for another gorgeous day and for awesome kids here at camp!

I'm feeling really good today. Not tired, a little sniffly but my allergies have been crazy.. you could definitely pray for that too. haha

Love love love


Monday, June 1, 2009

My First Week At Camp - AWESOME!

So, man it's just been craziness here! This is the first free moment i have had to even get on a computer and write.
Let's see's Monday at 11:13 am here.
Camp Week 1: So far, we went over every single possible happening of camp. From kids wetting their beds to runaways. It's pretty intense haha. We were split up into mountain groups. The groups are named after the mountains. For instance; my group is Satima. woot woot. These are Jr. girls (ages 7-9 and 10-11); I have girls 10 and 11. Our mountain group is split up into 3 seperate cabins because we had 15 total girls. Abbie and I have 5 girls. Divita, Bezawit, Joanne, Hannah, and Gloria. Gloria is this adorable little red head who has freckles and can make funny faces... no joke; she's basically a mini-me haha. All the girls are hilarious and spend a lot of time talking and laughing. But anyway, so all the counselors learned our group cheers together and learned all the other random facts about this new location. Like, don't run into an acashia tree... they have thorns and will hurt. yikes! The group as a whole is so supportive and encouraging to each other. On WEdnesday night last week we all went out to a game park and spent the night in tents with the animals. On the way in my van saw a giraffe and we were able to get out and walk up to it joke, roughly 100 ft. from this amazing animal! sooo cool! When we crawled back in the van we realized that we had ticks up to our thighs ..yuck! So that whole night everyone checked out their legs way more than usual hah. It rained the first 4 days we were here. Which is funny because I just assumed it didn't rain that often in AFrica. stereotypes. so funny! Praise the Lord for my rockin awesome rain coat! The food has been awesome! Lukenya is absolutely gorgeous! There are beautiful flowers all over the place and when the sun is shining you can see everything. The mountains and the valleys the fluffy white clouds.
Out kids got here yesterday at around 2:00. We decorated each cabin for the mountain group that is in them. And then last night we had a huge assembly where all the counselors had to dress up as characters and introduce themselves to the kids. I was in the Spice Girls group (Ginger of course) haha. Then the kids signed up for skills which are basically activities that we teach thorughout the day. During the skill sign up...there was a suprise dance off ... and after Beth and Isabel totally rocked it out, and Brandon and Charlie did their thing.... suprise... they called Kyle and I up. We may be the most dance deprived couple ever! haha... but it was absolutely hilarious! Last night after finally getting all the girls in bed around 11:00 I was woken up at 12:30 by Hannah. It was dark and let me tell ya... I woke up to her saying Jen and I was like "what is this little kid doing in my room, and where the heck am I?!" haha Yeah. they were still up at 12:30... oh camp! haha Let's see, today was the first day of skills and I taught tennis with Kali and then arts and crafts where the Sr. girls (12-14) were making little boxes that involved hammers and nails; I have never been so nervous about the livlihood of my fingers! Now I have an off skill which is why i'm on the computer sending this to all you gusy who I love so dearly! CAmp runs from Sunday to Saturday.
Praise the Lord, I haven't been ill yet. And for the most part everyone else has been pretty healthy as well. It's oober hot here so drinking lots of water is the biggest thing.  Camp involves a lot of dressing up in crazy outfits and doing absolutely absurd things... sooo funny!
We sing about 800 different camp songs with actions... peeling the banana, noah building an ark,tarzan... i mean woot woot!
Oh I forgot to mention that I did get one tick on  me the other day... it was stuck to my hip, that sneaky little bugger.
God's just rockin it out here. We've had devotional time every day with music and man, you can just feel the Holy Spirit moving in hearts. I know that as this summer goes on that that devotional time spent together will strengthen our bonds.
God has truly provided so much for this camp. A new location (sidenote: "New" is our theme "Therefore, anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come" 2 Cor. 5:17), new kids, new staff, new counselors, new everything. Praise Him!
This week is going to be filled with all sorts of activities and hopefully I will be able to update you a little more.
I wish this was longer because I know so much more happened.
Oh! Like the other night in the rain we all went out to do high ropes in the dark. You could chose to do the Swing where you climb up a pole and get dropped and well swing. Or you could do the flying squirrel which is what I chose. Kyle went first and I went second. Basically what happens if you have two big poles with a rope that comes downthe middle. You are wearing a full body harness and get hooked to that rope. The other end of the rope is off to the side where 7 people pull to the right. Then on 3 they run right and you run straight for the lake. and right before you hit the lake you get pulled up into the air. and then swing down as they slowly come back. It was nuts!!!!! and since I'm sort of a light weight I went flying ahha. But man you could just see all the light and the beauty of Kenya and even in the pouring rain it was just magnificent.
I am so thankful God gave me the opportunity to be here. It's going to be an awesome summer.. which is still so weird to say. haha
Bank girls: I miss you; and just so you know I totally did "I like to move it move it" when I got off the plane... and many other times! love ya!
Wendy and Nick: Happy WEdding!!!! love ya tons!!!! have a great time in Mexico!
Heidi and Jake: Happy Wedding!!! love you so much!
Ally: roomie, I hope you haven't burned down the apartment with your awesome Christmas tree
Haylee: I just love ya girl, and I am so thankful for your awesome friendship. I want to see some of these awesome cake making skills when I get back
Mom and Dad and Kevers: I love you so much! Mom, be strong, I know we are all gone but the Lord will take care and provide and it will be Tahoe before you know it! Dad, I hope Lousianna is treating you awesomely! I miss you ...try eating alligator and let me know how it tastes. Kevers... you rock! Honestly, I think camp might be something you would want to do next summer.. for realz. think about it!
Everyone else: man I just can't tell you how loved I feel and how honored I am that God put it upon your hearts to send me here. These kids are reaping the benefits of your support. Thank you thank you!

I will try to update more often now that we have built in free time.

As far as how I'm doing: I'm holding up really well. Honestly, I'm not feeling that worn out but I know it's coming. Loving all the counselors here and so cool to bond with these kids. They are just so open and welcoming. I feel like the Lord and I are working on some awesome stuff! Realizing that a lot of times I put my faith in faith and not in Christ. Which is weird to think about. Because you need that faith. But so often I rely on doing good and all that other mental stuff that I lose Jesus. I lose the relationship. So finding that has just been so eye opening. Work in progress haha.

Prayer Requests:
1. My girl, Divita, is Hindu and just that her heart would be softened to the teachings of Jesus. That she would not feel seperated or discriminated against but that the hearts here would invite her in and just love her.
2. The camp as a whole, safety, health, laughter, joy, the movement of the Holy Spirit.
3. the counselors: that we would continue to be filled up with the power of Christ and the overflowing cup He offers.

1. only one sickness so far!
2. The kis are already having so much fun and enjoying their groups!
3. The counselors are all starting to loosen up and be open with each other... you wouldn't believe how many times we've talked about poop haha.

It's weird how this box and screen can make me feel like i'm so much closer to you guys! I miss you and I love you so much! I hope all of you are just doing so wonderfully!!!!
hugs and kisses!
write to you soon!
