Friday, May 22, 2009


So tomorrow Kyle and I hop on a plane to Georgia where we will meet up with all the other staff members going to Kenya.  Our flight to Kenya leaves Sunday morning. 

So many emotions. 
You know that feeling you get right before a big trip where all of a sudden all that excitement just vanishes and you are left wishing that you would of never agreed to go and that you would rather lay in bed all day under the covers. 
Well, I am not that extreme but I am in that mode of being so nervous that I slightly wish... covers! haha
But I know once I get there God is going to use me in big ways. I can't wait. 
Honestly, I am in dire need of a refreshing relationship with our Awesome Father. 

I'm ready to get out of cape but at the same time the comforts are so hard to step outside of. 

but I'm doing it! and I am so excited!! Praise the Lord! 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

9 days...

Man, it seems like yesterday that i was writing this saying that there was a little under a month and now... single digits!

Lots of craziness and excitement going on right now:

1. i am officially done with school (i mean, as long as i passed which i am pretty sure i did)! Graduation is Saturday...which is insane. i can't believe i have been in school for 4 years. it really does fly by.

2. my last day of work is tomorrow, which means next week i will spend packing and making a trip to STL for some last minute stuff.

3. my dad is down in Louisiana for a couple months for work. Then hopefully he will be moved up to Iowa until he retires in two years. Iowa isn't cape,...but it is a lot closer and that way my mom can go there with him...which means that the good Lord might bless me with free housing and rent while they are absent.

4. My good friends Chantelle and Eric just got their baby from Ethiopia. She is beautiful!!! God is so creative and so brilliant... he spares no expense on beauty. She will grow up with fantastic parents and a rocking awesome big sister! congrats guys!

5. I still am astonished each time i get an update on funds that have come in! God has truly blessed me with an amazing church family.

Kyle (my bo'frien' haha) has decided that he is also going to come work fro Bracken this summer! Which is so great! the Lord is going to use his abilities and talents in so many ways, I can't wait! He's been super great about helping me get prepared...for those of you who know me really well, procrastination and lack of attention to details sometimes get the best of me. But Kyle is a climber, mountaineerer, hiker, boulderer, and all sorts of other outdoorsiers. The camp needs male leaders and people who have some experience with activities like these. It's so cool how God can put things on people's hearts and how they are perfect for what is needed.

I will still be paying rent on my apartment while I'm gone, which will be a whopping $900 dollars by the time i come back so be praying that the Lord might pull someone to sublease.

If anyone has tips on how to pack shampoo and conditioner for 3 months or general packing tips that would be awesome! 1 suitcase-50 lbs. :)

bless you guys!

prayer requests:
-the camp kids; that they would be excited and seeking answers to questions
-the staff; that we would be prepared and actively seeking God's will
-Brackenhurst as an organization; there is a new camp site this year...that everything would be ready and that it will be a new place with new challenges
-safety over the camp and over our time in the poverty stricken areas.
-that we would find a new passion and love for Christ. And fully embrace this opportunity to further His kingdom
-funds for all the staff would come in.

...more to come

love love love